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Olivia Leland


Haloarchaea thrive with remarkable adaptability in the heartiest of landscapes. Certain haloarchea species transform from single cells into multicellular tissues when confined. My research blends approaches from biochemistry and soft matter physics to unravel the forces behind an example of prokaryotic multicellularization. My research uses Traction Force Microscopy (TFM), membrane rheology, and tension sensors to understand the biomechanics of confinement sensation.


I am an interdisciplinary researcher with a strong foundation in chemistry, biophysics, and physics. I began my academic journey at Santiago Canyon College, earning an A.S. in Chemistry while researching aptamer therapeutics at UC Irvine. I transferred to UCLA, where I researched nanoparticle delivery systems for Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) dyes in the Sletten Lab and obtained a B.S. in Biophysics. As a Ph.D. candidate in the Martin A. Fisher School of Physics at Brandeis University, I leverage my diverse biophysics, molecular biology, and microscopy expertise to develop innovative approaches for studying biological systems. My cross-disciplinary training and hands-on experience allow me to bridge fields and contribute novel insights into life sciences research.


I am the proud owner of 250+ books (as of 11/16/21) and the mother of two black cats, Turnip and Parsnip.


oleland [at] brandeis [dot] edu

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